
Meat can be stored in the fridge or the freezer depending on how long you wish to store it for.

Storing in a fridge:

It is very important to store meat safely in the fridge to stop bacteria, avoid food poisoning and to ensure the quality of the meat is maintained.

• Keep the fridge temperature below 5 degrees
• Store raw meat or poultry in sealed clean containers on the bottom shelf of the fridge.
• Keep cooked meat separate from raw meat and other ready to eat food types.
• Clean and inspect your fridge regularly and ensure it remains hygienic and in good working order.

Tray packed meats:

To maintain colour and freshness you should allow the meat to breathe. Pierce the film before storing and consume within 3 days.


Vacuum packed meats:

If vacuum pack seal remains intact and unbroken then the vacuum packed meat  can maintain freshness for up to 5 days. Once broken or opened they should be consumed within 2 days.



Storing in a freezer:

Meat can be stored in a freezer for up to 3 months.

If you are not going to consume the meat or poultry within 3 days (5 days  for vacuum packed) then store in the freezer until you are ready to use.

• Keep the freezer temperature below -18 degrees
• Freeze your meat and poultry as soon as possible.
• To avoid freezer burn which will spoil the meat and make it inedible ensure that all meat and poultry is properly wrapped.
• Defrost meat, poultry and fish thoroughly in the fridge before cooking. Stand the defrosting item in a bowl to stop any juice spreading.
• Date and label your meat in the freezer.
• You can store the meat in the freezer for longer but we recommend 3 months for the meat to be at it’s best.


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